Strider members are active with races, coaching, and more. Here is some fall news from your fellow club members. Tony Dalisio starts Running Fox Coaching Member Tony Dalisio has started Running Fox Coaching with the mission to "empower people to reach their athletic, fitness, and health goals." Running Fox Coaching provides low-cost, customized training plans and coaching for running, triathlon, and general health and fitness goals. Visit the Running Fox Coaching Facebook page for more info and future weekly group runs. Also, on October 18, Tony won the 5-mile trail race at Augusta's Bond Brook Tread Fest, with a time of 32:44.4. Congratulations! First BCS Youth Running Club is a Success Alicia MacLeay (yours truly) enjoyed volunteering this fall with the inaugural Belgrade Central School running club (photo below). The club met twice weekly after school for six weeks and had more than 50 members from grades 1 to 5. BCS Physical Education teacher Carrie Brennan organized the club with the help of first grade teacher Laura Dunbar. Several members of the Messalonskee cross-country team also volunteered regularly, helping out with and encouraging the younger runners. Many of the elementary school runners worked toward running a 5K. The final week of the club, more than 20 participated in the Central Maine Ski Club run biathlon on November 7, and 25 club members ran the Save Your Breath 5K in Augusta on November 8. All of the club members finished the season with a one-mile timed run. After the success of the fall running club, plans for a spring club are being made. "Happy to still be able to run," says Jerry
Member Jerry Allanach in Illinois shared the following thoughts on racing in Maine and getting older: "I once again was able to fit in a Maine race this year as I was home the weekend of the Maine Marathon. The weather was perfect and it was great to be running in Maine again—ran my best marathon in about five years. I moved to Illinois in 1988 but so far I have managed to complete at least one Maine race each calendar year since moving. I have now finished at least one Maine race in each of the past 36 years. Since turning 65 last year I noticed that my age group place is almost always a small number so I recently looked at the races that I have run this year. It appears that anyone that is still running at my age has outlasted most of the competition! I found that in the races that I've run that the 65-69 age group comprises only 1/2 to 1% of the field! I didn't run the Chicago marathon, but looked at the results and out of approximately 32,000 finishers only 194 were 65-69. So getting old does have some advantages. You get to place more often in races. After all, how often when you are young do you get to simultaneously win and also finish last in your age group as I did in a 10K in Florida with about 200 total runners? Great job, Jerry! Keep it up. Fourth at TARC 50K Brendan Gilpatrick said he was "pretty happy with 4:23 and fourth overall at the TARC 50K" on September 12 in Carlisle, Mass. Brendan is also the race director of the Farm To Farm Ultra Run held each October in Freeport. What have you been running, racing, or training for recently? We want to hear from you. Share your news with us for future posts and newsletters. Email news and info to [email protected] or post in our Facebook Group. Comments are closed.
January 2025