Did you know that you can now buy Central Maine Striders gear online through B&B Embroidery & Ink in Oakland, Maine? They carry short-sleeve and long-sleeve tech shirts and hoodies, in multiple colors in both men's and women's variations, as well as beanies. Go to https://shop.bbembmaine.com/Central-Maine-Striders_c92.htm to start shopping now! Of course, you can still buy the classic blue tech shirts, singlets, hoodies, and hats from Joseph's Sporting Goods in Waterville, Maine by stopping by their store at 146 Kennedy Memorial Drive or calling them at (207) 660-6676. To see photos and a description of all Central Maine Striders items for sale from both places, please go to: www.centralmainestriders.com/shop.html.
Please note that we do not set the prices for any of the items, nor do we receive any of the proceeds. However, we encourage you to support both of these local central Maine businesses. At our December club meeting, the following members were voted to be Central Maine Striders officers for 2023:
At the meeting, the board of directors was also reappointed. The board of directors consists of: Patrick Guerette, Alicia MacLeay, Tom McGuire, Julie Millard, Ron Paquette, and Ron Peck.
At the December meeting, awards were given to Striders in three categories: For their running achievements while representing the Central Maine Striders during the year, Ron Peck and Heather Cable were given "Strider of the Year" awards. For their invaluable assistance with the operations of the club during the year (often behind-the-scenes), Kate Scott and Amy Stabins were recognized with "President's Awards." For their unstoppable positive spirit while representing the Central Maine Striders during the year, Martha Nadeau and Drew McCormick were given "Strider Spirit Awards". All award winners received gift cards to Fleet Feet Running. Thanks to each and every one of you for continuing to represent the Central Maine Striders!
November 2024