In this edition of "Running Backwards", we're taking a quick little jog to 2009. The biggest theme running through the 2009 Interval newsletters was memories of Mardie Brown, who passed away that year. You mean you thought that the Doc & Mardie 5k was a reference to Back to the Future? Shame on you! It looks like the January Thaw that year had a pretty low turnout (Perhaps it was a bad weather year?). Of the 16 finishers, only Jim Moore is still a member of the Striders.
Both the June and July 2009 issues of the Interval featured articles by several members about their memories of Mardie Brown, a member of the Central Maine Striders at the time. Since I didn't move to Maine until 2017, I never met Mardie, but based on these memories, she seemed like an amazing woman and a great representative of the Striders. An extended obituary can be found here. by David Benn That's right... Mardie Brown wasn't only a runner. She also held a world record in masters swimming!
Aging and mortality seemed to be on the mind of several Striders that year. David Benn added a positive spin to it by remembering how his first race led to hundreds more over a twenty-five year period. Some familiar names were amongst the results of the Common Ground 5k that year. But who is this "Nedicus" guy? Was a Roman gladiator running a 5k in Maine in 2009? It almost sounds like it. However, he failed to beat current professional runner Matt McClintock and two others. This gem about Jim Moore's first race was in the November 2009 newsletter (the race was in 1980). Jim, I think every Central Maine Strider out there is glad you ran that first race, found our club, continue to be a member to this day, and continue to be seen running on the streets of Waterville. I don't think there's a more consistent and dedicated runner out there. Although Colby history professor Paul Josephson gets the byline, the December 2009 Interval had a great article about Julie Millard and her great uncle Fred (who just happened to win the Boston Marathon in 1910). Ron and Donnajean had a couple of short race reports in the December 2009 Interval. Both featured races that were super bargains! A five-dollar marathon and a three-dollar 5k!?! Wow! Those were bargain races. And the final race results listed in the 2009 Intervals, included Susan Brooks and Julie Millard's finishes at the Champions 10k Thanksgiving race. That's all for 2009. Congratulations on making it to the finish line! Only time will tell where, or should I say "when" we jog to in the next issue.
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January 2025