A note from Mark Fisher about this year's MWRR: Just a quick note back to you regarding the weekend at Mt. Washington. A great weekend for our runners and volunteers. It seems that a lot of teams fell short on the volunteer end and us having our runners all matched with volunteers was not the norm. We had a chance to chat with Tom the race director and he was very appreciative of our efforts. The race was different with a new starting direction, time trial start and splitting the group up into 2 races (Women on Saturday, Men on Sunday). The new starting process that was put into place for COVID was, in our opinion, a big benefit for running the mountain. Fewer people as you hit the beginning incline to navigate in and around as well as a more flexible start time (your clock starts when you do) allowed for the most valued late porta-potty breaks! The weather was like a layer cake, warm on the bottom (but more comfortable because of there just being more room to maneuver, temperate in the middle and VERY windy (40-60 MPH) and cloudy at the top. It cooled significantly as it is wont to do this year as you finished the race. We had a great time and everyone was pleased with the outcome. Of note, Ron Paquette and Dean Rasmussen completed their 37th consecutive MTWRR this year. Truly an inspiration. I want to call out in particular Central Maine Striders Donna Jean Pohlman, Linda Fisher and Tom McGuire handed out hundreds of lunch bags to hungry runners and other volunteers. Again could not have our team there without the help and generosity of our volunteers. I was not sure who was best to pass this on to with respect to the newsletter. Feel free to edit as you see fit. Thanks for all the help in pulling this off again this year. All the best.
Tom McGuire
8/11/2021 03:26:43 pm
Mark, Comments are closed.
January 2025