A big welcome and thank you to Shara Marquis, who recently was voted in as the new Central Maine Striders secretary. Get to know Shara below. You can also join club members and officers at a monthly Striders meeting, typically held at 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. Check the club calendar for upcoming meetings. I was not born a runner. I wasn't on any sports teams in high school or college. Most would not consider me athletic by any stretch of the definition. About four years ago, I realized I needed to do something to get healthy and maybe lose a bit of weight. So, I ran... I ran 1/10th of a mile before stopping to walk a bit.
I started the Couch to 5K program and on day one it took me almost 20 minutes to go 1.4 miles. It was hard, harder than I thought it would be, but I kept with the program until I could run a full 5K. I ran off and on since I finished, but started to take my running more serious when I had to train for my first half marathon in 2015. It was an amazing and tiring experience! From that point, I went on to run a number of 5Ks, a handful of 10Ks, a few half marathons, and a couple relay races. I've cut back a bit this year, but I still get out to run when I'm able. I am definitely not a race leader. I run for the fun of it, the exercise, and just to get away from the hustle and bustle of life for a while. While I don't have a date set yet, I am planning on completing a full marathon at some point. Currently, I work at Colby College in the IT department. I've lived in Waterville a little over a year now, and I'm slowly adding new running spots to my collection. I've been a Strider for just about a year and now, as secretary, I am hoping to help increase membership and spread the word about our club as well as lend a hand wherever I can. I love to help motivate people to be the best they can be and support them at their level.
Tom McGuire
10/6/2017 05:08:31 pm
Thanks for stepping up! Comments are closed.
January 2025